We know your #1 priority is giving back to the community while keeping operational costs low. With inflation and supply chain disruptions, this isn't an easy task. On top of that, you may not have someone solely dedicated to purchasing on your team. So, where do you go from here? In order to maximize time and savings, leaders in the nonprofit space are looking to a cooperative purchasing organization as a strategic procurement partner in the marketplace.
What is a cooperative you ask? Cooperatives do the heavy lifting by giving nonprofit purchasers full access to a robust portfolio of pre-negotiated compliant contracts. With no cost to participate and no minimum order requirements, your nonprofit can purchase the products, services and solutions you need at volume discount prices that would be nearly impossible to attain on your own.
Working with a cooperative also gives you more time to focus on your mission. Saving time on request for proposals (RFPs) and being able to streamline your purchasing process reduces the amount of manpower needed to operate your business which keeps you on track to meeting your overall goals of giving back.
Let's dive into the major benefits that cooperative purchasing brings to nonprofits.
Budgets are tight, and the need to keep expenses to a minimum is top of mind for your organization, we get that. Leveraging a cooperative gives you the ability to use world-class solutions with contracted pricing which leads to cost and time savings.
You might be asking yourself—how does this work? Cooperatives use the lead agency contracting process. This means all agreements in our portfolio have already been awarded though an RFP competitive solicitation by a public agency of which we ensure are in line with the strictest procurement rules. Your organization can then “piggyback” off of all the available contracts. We ensure industry best practices, processes, and procedures are used. This process often leads to immense time and cost savings for our members through transparent and value driven pricing.
Our Nonprofit cooperative purchasing team specializes in procurement so you and your team can focus on giving back to the community. Your organization has access to subject matter experts with deep knowledge of different spend categories where you may need more guidance. These experts can walk you through the entire buying process and make sure you get all the supplies and solutions you need to continue making a difference.
OMNIA Partners member and Vice President, Procurement - Corporate Procurement at PRIDE Industries, GH Swaleh, shared why he trusts cooperative purchasing at his organization.
“The interactions I had with my OMNIA Partners’ advisor made me trust them before I even started using any contracts.” says Swaleh. “They are there to advocate for you and make sure you receive optimal pricing.”
Nothing is more important than making sure your organization is running smoothly so you can focus on what your nonprofit does best. Partnering with a cooperative makes it easier to keep operational costs down and utilize your time to focus on more important things than RFPs. Interested in exploring what a cooperative can do for your nonprofit? Contact us!