Industry Insights | OMNIA Partners

From Legacy to Legendary: Modernization in Government IT | OMNIA Partners

Written by Insight Public Sector | Jul 8, 2024 2:00:27 PM

Maintaining security while modernizing technology within state and local government agencies can be a balancing act. How do you maintain security without keeping technology up-to-date? On the other side, how do you utilize modern technology and update your systems without experiencing gaps in security? 

Continue reading to explore the benefits of creating a comprehensive modernization strategy instead of ad hoc solutions  

Legacy Systems vs. Modern IT Infrastructure

Pitfalls of legacy systems

  • Prone to security risks
  • Limited scalability
  • Increased maintenance costs
  • Less integration capabilities

Benefits of modern IT infrastructure

  • Enhanced cybersecurity
  • Scalable and adaptable
  • Reduced overhead costs
  • Seamless integrations

Trends to watch for in government IT modernization

  • Intelligent edge
  • Infrastructure
  • Data center
  • Storage as a Service

ROI from Modernization

15–35% savings on infrastructure year-over-year


30–50% lower application maintenance & running costs


74% lower costs on hardware, software and staff


10% improvement in application operational efficiency


14% boost in annual revenue

For more information about government IT security & modernization, click here!

Modernize safely with the right partner

As one of the leading national providers of business-to-government IT solutions, Insight Public Sector understands the unique challenges facing public agencies. With over 3,500 professionals and 3,000+ technical certifications, Insight offers decades of government IT experience, making us your one-stop-shop for modernizing technology while keeping security at top of mind. Find out how you can achieve more with Insight's modern technology services and solutions offered to participating agencies of OMNIA Partners.