Teachers are constantly seeking new ways to keep students engaged throughout the day.
While 2020 threw a curveball to the education sector as alternative learning methods had to be quickly employed, it also peeled back the curtain on challenges we hadn’t imagined yet.
Learn about these featured products, available through the OMNIA Partners cooperative contract.
Attention spans are (not surprisingly) shrinking, and with the adaptation of online learning in 2020, we saw trends in kids that we’ve also seen in adults. For adults, it’s hard to stay “locked in” online for more than 10 minutes, and the pandemic only accelerated that. Many kids had difficulty when it came to online lessons in what was such a unique environment.
Now, as kids are back in their classrooms, it’s understood that learning will look a bit different. By leveraging cooperative purchasing, you have access to the products and solutions necessary for student success. OMNIA Partners, Public Sector, in partnership with ODP Business Solutions and The HON Company, can ease this transition and help you create innovative, adaptable educational spaces. Here are five key trends that are shaping K–12 education.
Trend #1: The Rise of Nano Lessons
As attention wanes, boredom sets in.
That’s raised the profile of nano lessons, i.e. shorter, bite-sized lessons intended to make material easier to absorb. These typically last 90 seconds to five minutes and involve a variety of media (visual, video, etc.) designed to limit cognitive overload and the pressure to learn.
To support nano lessons, we recommend a flexible learning environment that can be configured for small group activities and furniture to store a variety of materials. SmartLink® student desks give teachers the ability to try different arrangements and configurations, and feature optional accessories for storage. SmartLink is truly built for the classroom of the future and geared to keep minds and bodies fully engaged.
Trend #2: Personalized Learning Is Here to Stay
Everyone learns differently—and at their own pace.
Each student can learn the same content in different applications, and smaller assignments using technology or other learning management systems help adjust instruction to the individual.
To facilitate this, classrooms need two key elements: quiet areas to stimulate progress and “technology zones” within the learning environment itself.
Motivate® by HON is a comprehensive system—including tables, seating and presentation tools—that enables students to move between activities and engage in different types of learning. Motivate products provide comfort, flexibility, technology and the quality that kids need to get their work done.
“Classrooms need two key elements: quiet areas to stimulate progress and “technology zones” within the learning environment itself.”
Trend #3: Leveraging Modern Technology with Connected Learning
Connected learning, as it’s now known, integrates technology into the classroom (as early as kindergarten) and facilitates better information retention through apps, in-classroom smart boards and other resources.
This is more about a “smart” classroom than a modern classroom, but the needs are similar. From a furniture standpoint, you’ll want a seating solution that’s easy to move around and can facilitate different types of learning during the day; Motivate and SmartLink are two HON product offerings that will help in this evolution.
Trend #4: Sparking Imaginations with Exploration Stations
Students need time during the day to pursue, well, whatever they want to pursue!
It’s up to them; selecting a passion project for an hour each week stimulates the imagination, allows kids to tap into their visual communication skills and brings the arts into the STEM curriculum.
A great solution for this type of activity is to create a makerspace within the classroom. These spaces are all about creativity and collaboration—and we have a game plan for putting one together.
Trend #5: Bringing Students Together with Collaborative Learning
Technology is, in many ways, an asset for kids as they discover new ways to learn and process information.
But it can negatively affect their ability to form relationships and develop interpersonal skills. In the classroom, finding time to do both of those things is paramount. While it may seem like an “old school” trend to work in small groups (if you’re of a certain age, group projects are quite familiar), it’s something teachers are now increasingly focused on.
It’s a fairly simple approach to make this happen in your learning environment: the space needs moveable chairs and desks that are easy to clean, ideally with vibrant colors that offer a welcoming and inspiring feel.
Again, SmartLink is a go-to collection, and we also recommend Build. The Build collection of tables, desks and seating is designed for the future of education. It’s lightweight, durable and configurable, which makes Build great for collaboration and social interaction (or focused study time).
Read the original blog from The HON Company.
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