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Omnia Partners Graphic Hero Swoosh

Empowering Higher Education Institutions with Innovative Furniture Strategies

How cooperative purchasing can set your university and its students up for success.

Struggling with enrollment deficits? One way to attract students is to create a welcoming and warm environment after all they will be calling your campus home for several years. 

In this whitepaper, learn how furniture can become the focal point of your university and how to optimize your budget throughout the furniture-buying process by working with a cooperative purchasing organization.

Click the image to browse and download our free guide!

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Understanding Purchasing for the Esports Trend

As your procurement team looks at trends in higher education institutions and K-12 school districts, we’re seeing a growing emphasis on adding esports programs into the curriculum.

Drive Efficient Student Housing Turns with Cooperative Purchasing Image border
Drive Efficient Student Housing Turns with Cooperative Purchasing

Efficient Student Housing Turns

Turn season is the best time to also do any planned renovations and just fix things that have gotten broken over time while students are away.

Streamline Your Furniture Buying Process Through a Cooperative feautured image Image border
Streamline Your Furniture Buying Process Through a Cooperative feautured image

Streamline Your Furniture Buying Process

Every space needs furniture to be functional. Without desks, your students can’t learn comfortably and without dorm furniture, your university students can’t live on campus.